Building Analysis: Villa Baizeau | Le Corbusier & Villa Holme | Sverre Fehn
The semester was the analysis of Villa Baizeau, a villa built according to the ‘Vetruvian Virtues’ using drawings and models of volume, circulation and construction. I then explored Sverre Fehn’s ‘Villa Holms’ using the same parameters. Through the dismantling of the building and its various architectural components, and assembling them into a single composition of the structure, I could understand more deeply the structure as a whole. Each part is independent and unique in itself, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
The Composition - contrast between fire (chimney) and water (toilets / showers) in order to create one ‘whole’; fire and water are an expression of complementary opposites rather than anything absolute, perfect or pure. One cannot exist without the other.
The Composition - contrast between fire (chimney) and water (toilets / showers) in order to create one ‘whole’; fire and water are an expression of complementary opposites rather than anything absolute, perfect or pure. One cannot exist without the other.
Led by: Jan Tunderwald & Noam Levi